Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Vintage tote-arounds

In an effort to keep from cluttering my house and because I like to move my projects from room to room, I love to use vintage "tote-arounds." I look for items with handles which allow them to be easily transported and fill them with books, crafts, sewing or whatever else I may be working on at the moment.

There are lots of vintage items that can be used. Here is a sewing basket I found not too long ago at a flea market.

What I especially love about it is that it is high enough that I can easily reach it from my chair and it is not too heavy to carry around by its handle. I just love the cross-stitch top and the satin lining inside.

I also use vintage baskets. They come in all shapes and sizes. Again, I prefer them to have handles so I can easily carry them. Here are a couple I have filled with current projects.

The smaller basket is a Longaberger. Although they can be expensive, you can sometimes pick them up pretty cheaply at flea markets.

There are many different variations of baskets out there that you can use. You can also use a variety of other items. Just go with what you like - or you can even find specific colors and periods to better fit your decor. The possibilities are endless.

And if you don't believe me, here is a treasury of items from Etsy sellers. I'm in love with all of them.

'Vintage tote-arounds' by TouchingThePast

Sewing Box w/Legs Fabulous W...

Yellow Enamel Pail

Wire basket French country s...

vintage FLY FISHING basket

Vintage Sewing or Knitting B...

Vintage basket : Primitive e...

vintage basket with yellow e...

Good Old Vintage Sewing Bask...

pink enamel child's buc...

Vintage Basket with Green Ve...

Egg Basket, Enameled Red & Y...

Vintage Wicker Sewing Basket...

Vintage Sewing Basket

Vintage 1950s Metal Nesco Pi...

Vintage Basket

Antique FIRKIN Primitive Sha...


  1. Aww I love the Sewing basket! My mother had one, but who knows where it is now...

  2. Hi Nuria,

    I was going to sell it but I couldn't let it go. I hope you are able to locate your mother's or one like it.
